The School uniform is compulsory on all working days. The wearing of School uniform gives the wearer a sense of decorum, equality with others, feeling of oneness etc. Regular uniform – on all working days except Wednesday. Sports uniform – on Wednesdays.


  1. Pupils must be punctual to school on every working day. They are expected to be present for the morning assembly. Silence is to be observed both during and after the assembly. We very week one of the houses represented by the Captains is responsible for the orderly arrangement of the school assembly and dispersal. Students should obey their class leaders and co-operate with them in their activities.To acquire fluency in English language, only English should be spoken in the school premises.
  2. No pupil may leave the school premises during the school hours and recess, without prior permission of the Principal.
  3. Pupils are expected to respect their teachers at all times.
  4. No collection for any purpose whatsoever, no organized activity in the school may be held without the previous permission of the Principal.
  5. Presents to teachers or other demonstrations in their honour also require the express permission of the Principal.
  6. Protection of School Property : It is forbidden to write or scribble on the walls, desks etc., throw paper or ink about the classroom or in any way damage the school premises. Damage done must be paid for, at the discretion of the Principal.
  7. Pupils’ Responsibility : Pupils themselves are responsible for their own books, pens, cycles, tiffin carriers or any other article they may bring to school. PUPILS ARE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO WEAR GOLD ORNAMENTS.
  8. Pupils are forbidden to bring cell phones, cameras to class or any sort of comics or objectionable literature into the school.
  9. Pupils shall not absent themselves from any organized school activity such as Annual Sports Day, School Day Celebrations etc., without the permission of the Principal. Games and drill are compulsory during class hours. A pupil may be exempted from such classes on producing a valid medical certificate.
  10. All letters and correspondence addressed to pupils are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal.
  11. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home work, disobedience and disrespect towards members on the staff or bad moral influence, justify dismissal. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct in and outside the school.
  12. The school Diary is a record concerning the student, and bring it to class daily.
  13. Parent Co-operation : Parents are expected to be co-operative with the school by enforcing regularity, Punctuality and discipline and taking a daily interest in their children’s progress. They should check the diary for any remarks and note the homework given.
  14. Parents are not allowed to enter the class to speak to the teacher during class hours. Parents who seek information should call at the office for it.
  15. Parents who wish to take their children out during school hours should get the necessary permission from the principal, by submitting a letter, through the bearer, stating the reason.
  16. Parents or Guardians shall make sure of the Name and the Date of birth of their children before they are recorded I the school register. The date of birth and the name once entered in the school record cannot be altered.
  17. Pupils suffering from infectious or contagious diseases shall not be allowed to attend classes.
  18. Parents are requested to make any complaints directly to the school authorities, and not to the class teacher.


  1. Pupils must be very regular in attendance. The minimum attendance for promotion is 85%. No pupil may absent herself without obtaining leave previously (i.e) by submitting a letter to the class teacher stating the reason. Absence will be indicated in the attendance register in the following ways:
    • If a pupil has submitted the Leave letter ‘L’
    • If a pupil has submitted the sick leave letter ‘SL’
    • If no leave letter ‘A’

    No absentee or late-comer should enter the class without the permission of the class teacher.

  2. A pupil absenting herself from school for 5 days in succession without permission will be marked ‘LEFT’. She will not be re-admitted as a matter of fact. If she is to be re-admitted, she is expected to pay fresh admission fee.
  3. Pupils not returning punctual to school after the holidays are punishable with a fine. In case of sickness the school authorities must be notified in time and a doctor’s certificate produced. Late comers are liable to lose their place.
  4. A pupil coming late by more than forty minutes shall be considered to have been absent for half a day.
  5. No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from parents or guardians and that too only for serious reasons.
  6. Absence without leave, for feasts, wedding etc., render the students liable to a fine.
  7. An absentee must produce a letter from her parents or guardians duly explaining the cause of absence. The school disclaims all responsibility, if through failure to produce such certificate, a student is obliged to return home during school hours.
  8. If a student is absent due to illness for more than a week the Principal must be informed at once.


                One week’s notice in writing is required for the removal of a pupil. The requisition for a transfer certificate shall be made in writing by the parent / guardian and it shall be issued only when all the school accounts have been duly settled.


  1. Terminal examinations are held thrice during the year (September, December and March). Unit tests are held in July, October and November. A model exam is held in February.
  2. Pupils absent for an examination for any reason will not be re-examined and they will be considered as failed. In case of illness a medical certificate should be produced. The marks obtained in the Quarterly, Half Yearly and Final examination will be considered for promotion.
  3. Mark Sheets are to be collected by the parents after every school examination. Parents or Guardians are requested to examine the mark sheets carefully and see that their children or wards make a special effort to study those subjects in which they are weak.
  4. No pupil who fails two successive years in the same class will be allowed to continue in the school.
  5. Promotions once decided by the School Council is final and cannot be reconsidered. Hence parents are requested not to disturb the Principal after the announcement of the results.